Dulu bila gua mengaji dekat itu UPM, gua kena naik bas balik kampung bila ada cuti. Gua ada banyak pengalaman seram gua boleh cerita, tapi gua pilih ini satu.
Ini bas driver, gua tak tau sudah apa naik dia punya kepala, pandu macam formula one. Dulu Kuantan-KL mana ada highway, trunk road only. Jalan belok kanan, belok kiri. Gua punya kepala pun belok kanan belok kiri, banyak pening. Dia takda tengok itu line satu atau dua, ada chance mesti potong punya. Gua hati banyak kuat denyut oh!
Satu kali, ini satu kereta tiba tiba potong gua punya bas. Wahhh ..... ini driver hati banyak panas, buat banyak bising, takda happy ini kereta sudah potong dia. Dia bawak itu bas banyak dekat itu kereta, sikit lagi mau cium itu kereta punya bontot.
Bukan satu kali mau cium, empat, lima kali pun ada woh. Sampai dia punya konduktor pun naik tension. Suruh dia sejuk sikit. Gua sikit mau muntah, laju lagi break, laju lagi break. Gila punya driver. Gua ingat itu driver sudah high lah. Kalau takda high, dia mesti pergi jumpa loktor dekat Hospital Bahagia, kasi rawat. Gila.
Tapi gua puji Tuhan, gua sampai Kuantan, satu biji. Takda calar, tapi sikit pening.
Gua harap itu gomen, angkat serius ini problem. Kita tak mau ini macam punya driver bawak bas. Banyak bahaya.
Pergi support : http://buscrashnomore.blogspot.com/
5 years ago
The authorities have proven to us that they are powerless to prevent such disasters from happening again and again. I cannot totally blame them as they are seriously short-handed and lack the necessary resources and fulltime commitment. The accident can only be prevented by two parties, the bus driver and the passengers. To protect their own lives [and that of the driver] the passengers must not be afraid to tell the driver to drive carefully if he misbahave and drive fast and recklessly. Please read my blog in thestar citizen's blog under my blog name "ngguanhuah". I had commented on this issue but received unfriendly reply from the bus passengers themselves. They claimed that speeding bus do not necessary kill and it is more important for them to reach their destination as fast as possible. Such silly people., expecting the bus [90kn/hr max speed] to reach the destination at the same time or faster than a car [110km/hr max speed]. Anyway it is their lives at stake, not mine. If they do not want to protect it, no one can interfere.
Gua pun mayak marah bila itu bas ikut gua punya kereta belakang and kasi signal lampu besar, mati mati pun mahu potong saya. Itu celaka derebar want to take his passengers to hell., with the blessings of the passengers.
Kalu mau pergi hell, pergi satu orang lah. Apa mau angkat semua orang. Bodoh.
Gua pun ada satu kali naik itu Kuantan-Kl bas .Kalau talak silap tahun 2003.Itu jam cuti sekolah ,bas manyak habis ,kena tunggu petang punya bas..fuyoh serupa lu punya cerita...gua punya jantung sudah macam mau jatuh itu jam ...mau tido pun takut.bila itu driver masuk jalan highway KL baru dia bawa slow sikit...tak de otak punya company bas..itu macam punya driver pun dia angkat..ptuiii!